jIN: A game engine
A fresh start

Yikes, it’s been over a year since the last post…

SMAE Dev Log #6
Map editor done, but not really

Took another long break from this, stuff is starting to happen but I am determined to make progress on this even if it’s slow progress. So first I finished up the map editor (the wall hovering is still messed up) and I included all the basic stuff I need. I also started finally working on the game engine itself. There is still a long way to go, and this is definitely going to take even longer if I don’t work on it daily (which I won’t be able to do). Now there are sections and floor heights and wall heights. After I can render in a simple box (made in the map editor) then I will have to go back into the map editor and add stuff like textures and cut-scenes and the like.

SMAE Dev Log #5
Walls and math

I took another long break from this (about a week) and this progress has been made before that break, I just didn’t do the blog post…) Anyways, I had to refactor the code and add walls, and soon, I will be ready to start working on the game engine! I already knew I was gonna have to refactor but I held it off because I wanted fast results but the main thing needing a refactor was the button tools. I also updated the UI a tiny bit (changed the line graph color).

SMAE Dev Log #4
Epic Save

I grinded out a lot in a day, it’s just that I also took a break and didn’t update this blog. Anywho, two major features added were lines and saving. The lines actually weren’t too hard since a lot of the code was similar to the vertex tool. I just had to keep track of which vertexes are being selecting when making a line, and use some fancy math for selecting the line. Saving was also added and this took most of the time. I want to optimize it however I can and also want to try out some stuff so I started using binary files. It’s pretty cool.

SMAE Dev Log #3
Big features, very cool

I made a lot of progress this time around. So first I was looking around at other mad editors and 3DSage’s map editor for a DOOM style engine and I decided I needed to change up the colors to look cooler. That’s not a big thing though, I finally can add points through the user interface. Not only can I add points, but now I can delete them. What did it cost? A bunch of time, poorly written code, and the zoom feature (rip zoom, it doesn’t zoom into the center anymore)

SMAE Dev Log #2
Remembering my C++ skills

Another day another grind, unfortunately not much progress was made today. I was planning on getting vertexes and lines done but I only kinda got vertexes working. The main problem I faced was class design (spooky).

SMAE Dev Log #1
Going to make an epic game

I am beginning work on an epic game code named SMAE (it’s just the initials of the full title!) I want it to be like DOOM, and I may reference some techniques DOOM uses, but I want this project to be one of those exercises where you look at a result and implement your own method to copy that result. I don’t want to spend too much time talking about the game, that’s a surprise for when it’s finished, just know that this is gonna be epic.

First Post

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