Took another long break from this, stuff is starting to happen but I am determined to make progress on this even if it’s slow progress. So first I finished up the map editor (the wall hovering is still messed up) and I included all the basic stuff I need. I also started finally working on the game engine itself. There is still a long way to go, and this is definitely going to take even longer if I don’t work on it daily (which I won’t be able to do). Now there are sections and floor heights and wall heights. After I can render in a simple box (made in the map editor) then I will have to go back into the map editor and add stuff like textures and cut-scenes and the like.

Now with proper OOP adding subtools is not too bad and the process is pretty straight forward. Each tool’s functionality is pretty self-contained so once I finish it up and release the source if someone is interested they could probably improve the code a lot (although I should probably do that before another person looks at the code…). There are wall sub tools and section tools, which are all the basic things I need to start working on the engine. Here are some pictures.

I guess most of the time was time spent (re)learning OpenGL. Every single time I need to go back to Learn OpenGL and review how to make a triangle. It’s pretty challenging to remember how everything works without constantly doing OpenGL stuff. A lot of time was spent making the engine and it took a while to see actual results but I worked step by step.

First I got a window working, copying most of the code from the map editor. Then I tried to draw a triangle, found some errors, understood how it actually works, and got the triangle. Then I made it 3D for fun. For extra fun I made a pyramid.

I did get the loading stuff to work properly but putting that on the screen requires a bit more finesse so that’s what I’m going to work on next. Have the big picture in mind when working on a big project like this and make one small goal. Finish that small goal and make a new small goal. Keep on doing that and eventually you’ll finish (it will take perseverance but you, and more importantly, I, can make it through)